All Out Africa Foundation

About All Out Africa

All Out Africa is a social enterprise comprising of a group of companies and a non-profit based in South Africa, Swaziland, Mozambique and Botswana. It caters to people looking for a wide variety of African experiences from volunteering, tours, research, internships, and University field studies, whilst at the same time, building sustainable long-term projects.

All Out is serious about giving back to the community and the environment. That is why we set up the All Out Africa Foundation in 2006 as a locally registered charity in Swaziland (n° RT/7151) to help expand and sustain our development projects, which include support to the six care centres for vulnerable children, a sports development program for local children and youth, community building projects, child sponsorship program to support vulnerable children at primary and highschool levels to assist them with school requirements, and facilitate conservation research projects at the wildlife and marine research centres. We share our passion for Southern Africa's people, places and wildlife with the world and offers adventures that change lives.

Investing in the Future!
All Out Africa believes that education for our children is one of the best investments we can make. After all, they are our future, and the most important resource we have! Our main goal is to improve access to quality Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) opportunities for the most disadvantaged children in the communities. In Swaziland, only 30% of children have access to ECCE due to poverty, despite its huge potential to transform lives. Quality preschool education enables children to build a solid foundation for lifelong learning, and prepares them for "big school", so they can start school on time, and ready to learn, which in turn contributes to reducing drop outs, most of which happens in the first two years of primary school.

For more information about:
All Out Africa Projects at
All Out Africa Foundation at



Our Intervention
To improve access to ECCE, we are supporting six local, community-based day care centres in the Hhohho Region of Swaziland which provide care and support to over 250 vulnerable 3 to 6 year-olds, whose lives have been negatively impacted by the HIV and AIDS epidemic. In the absence of adequate formal preschools, All Out is working to upgrade these care centres into preschools by providing comprehensive support which include nutritious meals, clean water, food gardens, infrastructure, learning and recreational materials, teacher training, health support, and everything else we need to offer the best ECCE opportunities possible for the most marginalized children in our communities. It's an extremely cost effective program which can make a huge impact. For example, the price of your daily cup of coffee ($3) will provide a nutritious breakfast and lunch for a child who comes to the care centre every morning hungry.





By giving a gift of education, you are giving a child hope, and a brighter future filled with endless opportunities. It's a gift that will not only impact the child for a lifetime but also future generations to come. Your contribution, large or small, will make a world of difference for our children!


Donate to the All Out Africa Foundation.
Make checks payable to "Philanthropic Ventures Foundation "
and note on the "memo" line on the check - "All Out Africa"
Mail donations to:
Generosity in Action
c/o Philanthropic Ventures Foundation
1222 Preservation Park Way
Oakland, CA 94612-1201
There is a 3% administrative fee on all transactions

You can make a donation to the "All Out Africa Foundation " via the internet. Click here.

Once at Generosity in Action Donate page click on "All Out Africa

Note: there is a 3% transaction fee to cover credit card fees, bank fees, and other processing costs.

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